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The business of wealth management demands a disciplined professional approach with clear objectives.

The Family Office Services process involves working closely with you to identify issues, review alternatives, recommend solutions, educate family members so they can make decisions, and assist you and your advisors in implementing the selected course of action.

In addition to ongoing meetings and conversations with you and your advisors, Family Office Services provides you with all of the necessary documentation tools to keep you informed of the planning process and the status of your affairs on an ongoing basis.

By communicating through a disciplined
process, we make certain that information, needs and values are shared in an accurate, timely and convenient manner that revolves around the following planning stages and tools.

Phase 1 1. Family Wealth Statement (Family Retreat)*
2. Financial Check-Up*
3. Value Proposition Letter*
Phase 2 4. Tactical Plans*
5. Comprehensive Wealth Blueprint*
Phase 3 6. Implementation Documents
Phase 4 7. Annual Updates
*Certain planning instruments are offered individually so that you and your Advisors may select, tailor and integrate those that are most appropriate.

© Tim Voorhees, JD, MBA, 1996-2013